Air Tags – A new Application?
Air Tags seem to be the tracker of choice, and while the York police showed pictures of the device, they did not single out Apple, however iPhone users should get a warning if an unknown Air Tag is found to be moving with them, along with instructions for locating it and disabling same and iOS 15.2 is expected to offer an option to scan for unknown Air Tags that are nearby at the users request. Android users will have to wait until Apple is able to provide an Air Tag app for Android phones, which is under development, but such an application would have to be downloaded to the user’s phone. While typical tips for preventing your car from being stolen, such as parking your car in the garage or using a steering wheel lock, seem to be obvious, but locks for the data port are available as are dummy ports and transfer systems that move the port inside of the glove box, but the best way to get your car recovered if it has been stolen is with a remote kill switch. Perhaps Apple will add that accessory to the Air Tag line.