“Unknown Caller”
An elderly woman living in a residence on the very exclusive ‘Peak’ in Hong Kong, (Christie’s has 19 homes for sale there, with the cheapest a mere $8.2m and the most expensive ~$451m) was contacted by a self-proclaimed government official who stated that she had been involved in a serious case of money laundering on the Mainland. The scammer went as far as to send someone to the woman’s address to give her a ‘special’ mobile phone for her to use concerning the investigation. The woman was instructed to send HK$7.9m, roughly $1m US to a particular account so it could be examined to see if it had been involved in the money laundering, which she did. That was followed by an additional request for a total of HK$2509m ($32.2m US) and the scammer even had the woman’s personal driver bring him and her to the bank together so she could make the transfer.
The woman’s helper was smart enough to call her daughter to report the suspicious transactions who asked relatives to go to the bank to monitor the transaction, however they did not follow up on the issue and the transfers continued until the entire HK$250m had been transferred to the scammers account over a few weeks. Eventually the daughter followed up and was able to freeze what was left in the scammer’s account, about HK$9m ($1.16m US) and police arrested a 19 year old university student. Of course this is an unusual extreme (and a new record), but it happens all the time. There are a few phone tools that can help and a recent FCC ruling makes it easier for carriers to filter out the more obvious scams, but the best way to avoid being scammed is by not answering calls from numbers you do not know. If they don’t leave a message, it wasn’t important, and if it is an odd sounding one, don’t call back, just call the institution represented to verify the call was real, rarely if ever government agencies call on the phone….