Graphics Card Roller Coaster
In South Korea graphic card prices, based on 20 major graphics cards checked between August and the 2nd week in September, increased between 6% and 100% according to local tech press, while the four examples given in the graphic (Fig. 5) saw increases between 23.2% and 65.3%, with an average of 47.8%. This compares to the two cards we used in our last check, which saw increases of 13.9% and 16.1% based on current prices, although when each of the two reached peak levels in mid-September, they were up 27.1% and 78.1% from our August check points, much closer to the increases seen in Korea. It would seem that using the most current data here, which comes from 3rd party sellers on Amazon (AMZN) (Amazon does not have many cards directly available), we should expect some moderation to graphic card prices overseas. That said, with the price of bitcoin nearing its all-time high, such a theory, based on what we have seen in the US, seems unlikely as the economics of bitcoin mining get better as the price/hash rises. If you need a graphics card, despite the rise in prices, it would seem to be the time to buy, as odd as that appears.