A Different Mindset
This unusual circumstance was prompted by the discovery of a single Shanghai visitor that tested positive, with questions as to whether she had actually visited Disneyland itself, but the park indicated that that the testing and subsequent three day closure was to “cooperate with the pandemic investigation in other provinces and cities.” On the next day China (population 1.447b) reported 54 new COVID-19 Delta variant cases, totaling ~500 cases across the country, concentrated in Heilongjiang, a province in Northeast China that borders Russia and Inner Mongolia. Officials in the province have responded quickly with lockdowns, travel restrictions, and mass testing, while in other cities officials have stopped all traffic by turning all stoplights red, until the public protested, and severe restrictions in other cities have caused residents to leave over the last year.
While the public’s patience with the government’s strict COVID-19 rules, there seems to be an understanding that the only way China is going to maintain control over the COVID-19 virus is to enact such intrusive measures when even a single case is identified. Given China’s very low rate of infection and death, it seems to be working, at least as far as the data can be trusted. There are few countries where such a strategy is workable, especially when much of the rest of the world is trying to reopen despite the continued spread of the virus, but while the authoritarian government in China rules with an iron hand, it seems that much of the population understands that even a small breakout must be dealt with swiftly or will spread in such densely populated cities. With over 74% of the Chinese population vaccinated the numbers prove out.