Band-Aid on a GSW
- Receive a basic salary (40% or normal rate) times the number of years of employment paid out within 6 months
- Receive the same basic salary as above but paid out at the end of this month at a 50% discount
- May stay as an employee but at a salary of $352.
In mid-2021 Royole has ~1,800 employees but now has <500 and has closed all but one office as available cash declined to $14.9m in April, and the company had previously offered options to employees to raise capital and provide an additional incentive to stay with the company but with the current large layoffs, most will not be participating in the program. Hopefully a recently announced potential display order will help to keep the company afloat, however based on past financials between 2018 and mid-2020, the company had produced only 18,000 display units so a massive ramp for such an order would be called for, and the utilization rates for those periods never reached above 32%. Its going to take a very big Band-Aid to fix this wound…