ChatGPT Wants to Plug You In…
The problem is however that newer learning models, and when we say newer, we mean the data they were or are being taught on, is more up to date, inclusive of current events, and data from 2022, which pushes one to try other NLMs. The folks at Open AI are not taking this competitive issue sitting down (actually they are probably are sitting down), but as of today they are making available a plug-in version of ChatGPT that developers can use to give ChatGPT access to up-to-date information, or specific data that 3rd party developers can provide. If you are willing to join ChatGPT+, for a mere $20/month, you now have access to over 70 3rd party plug-ins, available at the ChatGPT plug-in store, that allow ChatGPT to perform a wide variety of functions based on.
Some examples might be sports scores (“ChatGPT, who was the player with the most goals in the last 10 minutes of the 3rd period during the last 7 games of the 2021 season?”), stock information (“ChatGPT, How many times did GLW violate its 30 day Moving Average during each Friday in 2019?”), or even more simple tasks like ordering food (“ChatGPT, How many restaurants within 10 miles with ratings above 4 serve Nabe as part of their take-out menu?”). As the plug-ins are developed outside of ChatGPT, the data access is provided by the plug-in but the ChatGPT data and services, including an OpenAI verification process remains accessible, particularly the language processing that makes ChatGPT conversational.
Open AI provides a variety of examples, including code. Here are a few:
- Keywords – Extract keywords from a block of text
- Ad from Product Description – Create ad copy from a product description
- Tweet Classifier – Decides whether a Tweet’s sentiment is positive, neutral or negative.
- English to Other Languages – Translates English into French, Spanish, or Japanese.
- Product Name Generator – Creates product names from example words.
- Marv the Sarcastic chat bot – Marv is a factual chat bot that is also sarcastic.
- Create Study Notes – Creates study notes from a given topic.
- KalendarAI – KalendarAI sales agents generate revenue with potential customers from 200+ million companies globally.
- Cloudflare Radar – Get real-time insights into internet traffic patterns and threats as seen by Cloudflare.
- Polarr – Search Polarr’s massive pool of user generated filters to make your photos and videos perfect.
- FiscalNote – Provides and enables access to select market, trading, real-time datasets for legal, political, and regulatory data and information.