Fun With Data – AR
If nothing else, the time between announced AR headsets and their actual release is declining, and that is a good thing for keeping the public interested in the AR/VR space. That said, there is also the issue of price, and our data suggests that the average price of released AR headsets has been declining each year since 2018, including 2022 to date, which we see as a key factor toward the commercialization potential for AR, and while we expect the rate of change will slow, as the AR space finds more ways to accomplish such mixed reality without the need for bulky or odd looking headsets, the public will have an easier time accepting their use, especially when compared to VR, which requires that the user be stationary, or at least limited to a small space.
We believe we are still a distance away from the concept of everyday folks walking the streets with AR glasses, and the need for world class applications will really be the driver for AR (see our note of 5/12/22 for details) but at the least, AR headsets are getting less expensive and closer to the necessities that are demanded of popular CE products, like actually releasing a product some time close to when it is announced, and not causing its users to become motion sick or quickly fatigued. AR is really a tool that does not require major content creation or a Metaverse for support, just high quality, unobtrusive hardware and consequential applications, all of which seem to be getting closer to creating a syzygy (today’s word of the day[1]. Everyone is waiting for Apple…we are waiting for applications….
[1] Syzygy - a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun.
"the planets were aligned in syzygy"