Siri Blabs…
In any case, such an event has been rumored for weeks, with speculation that the long awaited and long delayed AirTags are to be announced, along with two new iPad Pro, although rumors about AirTag releases have been around for years. The only indication that something tag oriented might be in the works was Apple’s recent announcement that it is opening its Find My network to 3rd party producers (note 4/2/21), which could be a prelude to the actual release of Apple’s UWB AirTags, but we have been down that road before.
More important would be an announcement that Apple would be supporting mini-LED displays, regardless of the product, as the LED industry has been waiting for such an event to unleash another round of marketing about how this ‘new’ technology will improve existing LCD and QD/LCD displays and rival OLED display metrics. Apple will have to tread a fine marketing line that does not denigrate its OLED displays while extoling the benefits of mini-LEDs.
Unfortunately, at the same time Siri has been leaking possible event dates, there have been stories that shortages in the mini-LED space have caused delays in production and even production postponements due to component shortages. While this is easy to understand given the circumstances surrounding semiconductor foundry capacity, Apple does not necessarily have to give a release date for such products and can merely introduce the concept of mini-LEDs, or whatever ‘retinated’ name the marketing department decides to choose. While Apple is certainly not the only potential supporter of mini-LED technology, it never hurts to have another high profile CE company jump on the bandwagon and add a few dollars to the mini-LED marketing pot.