Toshiba – Talking Take-out or Fix-up?
The company did receive a $20b bid from Britain’s CVC Capital (pvt), but rejected the offer, with Toshiba’s president & CEO stepping down after accusations that the rejection was made to protect his position (he also previous held a position at CVC). But it seems that things are not quite back to normal at Toshiba, as sources in Japan say that the company is discussing options with a number of private equity firms on ‘suggestions’ about how the company might embark on a new strategy. It is doubtful that Toshiba is soliciting offers for the company or specific assets, but more some help in formulating a plan for its business lines, as a recent story that the company was secretly cooperating with the Japanese government to put pressure on foreign institutions concerning funding for would-be acquirers began a strategic review of the company after the recent management shakeup. The company expects to release its new business plan in October