“Unlocker” Gets 12 Years in Prison
Those AT&T employees ‘hired’ by Fahd gave him confidential information about the AT&T systems and company network access which he [passed on to his developer, allowing the developer to design malware that could enter and work on AT&T’s system computers. Over a period of ~3 years, the indictment against Fahd, made in 2017, indicated that ~1.9m smartphones had been unlocked by members of the nefarious group, generating (AT&T’s number) over $201m in lost revenue for the company, as those whose phones where unlocked, stopped making payments on their phones and likely moved to another carrier with the unlocked phone. Fahd, was arrested in Hong Kong in 2018 and extradited to the US and eventually pleaded guilty to wire fraud last year. The judge in the case ordered him to repay ~$200m and to serve 12 years in prison. It might take a while to make much of what Fahd owes to the government as the wages for in-prison work ranges from $0.16 to $0.65/hour. (147,929 years at $0.65/hr.).